Mastering Two-Way Encryption: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safeguard Your Data with Custom Functions

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In today’s online world, data safety is of foremost importance. A developer protects sensitive user information while a business keeps private information within safe boundaries. Information needs protection using encryption – a process that keeps things private and whole. Though there are many ready-to-use implementations, making your very own two-way encryption and decryption function can give you specific security for what you need.

In this article, we will show you how to write your own encryption and decryption functions in PHP. This will equip you with the arms to protect your data well.

What is Two-Way Encryption?

Two-way encryption enables data to be transformed into a secure format and then back into its original form. In contrast to one-way encryption (such as hashing), two-way encryption is designed for scenarios where the data needs to be recovered, such as safely storing and later recovering sensitive information for users.

Why Develop a Custom Solution? Although libraries such as OpenSSL and mcrypt provide off-the-shelf solutions, custom encryption functions provide:

  • Flexibility: Customize encryption for your system’s specific needs.
  • Control: Determine your own encryption keys and methods.
  • Integration: Seamlessly add encryption to current workflows.

Building Your Custom Two-Way Encryption Function

Let’s create a custom function using PHP and the openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt methods.

Step 1: Preparing Encryption Parameters

Choose a secure encryption algorithm and a secret key. For this example, we’ll use AES-256-CBC, a widely trusted encryption method.

define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'your-secure-key-here'); // Replace with your secure key

Step 2: Create the Encryption Function

The encryption function transforms plaintext into unreadable, secure form based upon the selected method and key.

function encryptData($data) {
    $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length(ENCRYPTION_METHOD));
    $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data, ENCRYPTION_METHOD, ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $iv);
    return base64_encode($encrypted . '::' . $iv); // Append IV for decryption

Step 3: Create the Decryption Function

The decryption function reverses the process, restoring the original data.

function decryptData($encryptedData) {
    list($encrypted, $iv) = explode('::', base64_decode($encryptedData), 2);
    return openssl_decrypt($encrypted, ENCRYPTION_METHOD, ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $iv);

Testing Your Custom Encryption Functions

Run these functions in a test script to ensure they work as intended:

$originalData = "Sensitive Information";
echo "Original Data: " . $originalData . "\n";

// Encrypt data
$encryptedData = encryptData($originalData);
echo "Encrypted Data: " . $encryptedData . "\n";

// Decrypt data
$decryptedData = decryptData($encryptedData);
echo "Decrypted Data: " . $decryptedData . "\n";

If correctly done, the output should be that the data decrypted is equal to the input.

Good Uses of Custom Encryption

  1. Keep Your Key Safe
    There should be respective encryption keys kept in a secure environment or using a secrets management service.
  2. Use Strong Keys
    Make sure your encryption keys are long and created randomly for the best security.
  3. Update and Audit Regularly
    Periodically review your encryption methods and keys to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
    While building custom functions offers flexibility, ensure you leverage trusted libraries and algorithms like AES or RSA.

When to Use Custom Encryption

Custom encryption functions are best suited for:

  • Protect user data in your apps.
  • Protect API communications.
  • Keeping crucial settings or environment information safe.


This implies you would create special functions for encryption and decryption in order to make a robust layer of security implemented in your application. Best practices are followed, but one has to remember that security is something people should always work on. So be updated with the latest encryption rules and dangers to protect your data.

Start protecting your digital life today by starting to create your own custom encryption methods for what matters most.

Pawan Mall

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